
Larry Pheifer Receives AAFP’s Executive Legacy Award

Join us in congratulating Larry Pheifer on receiving the prestigious AAFP 2024 Executive Legacy Award!

Larry has been a humble servant leader for his chapter and is well respected amongst Wisconsin’s members and staff, as well as his chapter colleagues, AAFP/chapter members from other states and stakeholders he’s worked with.

He celebrated his 25th anniversary with the Wisconsin chapter last year and past leaders couldn’t say enough about how he influenced their leadership development skills and made them who they are today. He’s been recognized for being a partner to volunteer leaders and for his collaborative nature with stakeholders. “As WAFP’s Chief Officer over the years, Larry has brought lots of value to WAFP through his expertise in Continuous Quality Improvement, leadership development, for his work to help WAFP form an envisioned future through strategic planning, and strengths in operations and governance” one past president shared.

Besides providing humor, which he is very proud of, Larry is described by WAFP members and his management team as Mentor, Trusted Advisor, Dedicated, Passionate, Visionary, Encouraging, Innovative, Approachable, Genuine and Loyal Friend. Amongst his many strengths, one that stands out is how he can enlist personal empowerment and commitment to drive transformative change. To do this, he emphasizes the four pillars of leadership through his own actions – integrity, accountability, learning and communication.

He’s been a leader to his peers. Chapter execs have called him for counsel and advice. He’s well known for his expertise in process improvement and his colleagues have especially benefited from his guidance in this area.

Some of his professional achievements with WAFP include leading the charge on major statewide efforts over the last 25 years such as growing a Primary Care workforce. To move forward with this, he orchestrated a summit with over 100 attendees representing numerous stakeholder groups from around the state to build an alliance to promote and strengthen Primary Care throughout Wisconsin. Along with a Family Physician leader and friend, Dr. David Eitrheim, he promoted, provided education and encouraged Patient-Centered Medical Home in the early 2000’s to help our state’s practices be on the forefront of these efforts including collaboration with AAFP. He also partnered with Dr. Eitrheim on promoting Value-Based payment efforts with a new model of quality healthcare. He was enlisted to present at numerous AAFP conferences alongside national leaders including Dr. Gary LeRoy, Dr. Bruce Bagely and more.

This is just a small sampling of the many efforts and undertakings he’s led over the years. Larry has been a mentor to so many from staff, to students, FM residents and also physicians from around the country. He has always looked for opportunities to build others up and being a humble servant leader, he doesn’t ever take credit for his good work and what he’s contributed.

Congratulations Larry! We are proud to celebrate you and your contributions to our organization.

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