Prepared from materials provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians
Goals of Resolution
• Inform
• Educate
• Inspire to take action
Tips to Keep in Mind When Drafting A Resolution
Each resolution must have a:
• Title: Clear, concise and convey general idea of the topic of the resolution
• WHEREAS clauses: Identifies and explains the problem/issue being addressed and must be factual
• RESOLVED clauses: States the action being proposed that addresses problems/issues identified in whereas clauses. One action or recommendation is contained in one resolved clause
Give special attention to the following:
• Limit the number of “whereas” clauses to a minimum required to provide reasonable support for the resolved clause(s) – keep the resolution to one page
• Research to check the facts and verify data used
• Limit the use of adjectives and qualifying adverbs and focus on essentials
• Do not use jargon
• Use formal language
• Avoid using acronyms
• Resolved clause must stand alone – this is the only part that remains if the resolution is adopted
– Do not use pronouns that refer to the statements in the whereas clauses
– Do not direct another entity to take action
– Keep clauses short and concise
– Address one issue at a time in each resolution and resolved clause
Before submitting a resolution, weigh the merits of your proposal by considering:
• Is this issue/topic of special interest to many or just a few?
• Is the recommendation within the scope or authority of the AAFP?
• Is the recommendation relevant to the AAFP’s strategic priorities?
• Does the recommendation have cost implications for the AAFP?
• Has the issue already been addressed by the National Conference of Constituency Leaders or the Congress of Delegates?
• Is the AAFP currently addressing the issue/topic?
Sample Format of a Resolution
WHEREAS, This is the part of the resolution that explains the issue or problem, and
WHEREAS, each resolution should address only one issue or problem, and
WHEREAS, each “Whereas” clause addresses only one fact, idea or supporting argument, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the resolved clause is the part of the resolution that restates the basic issue or problem and proposes a solution to the issue identified in the “Whereas” clauses, and be it further
RESOLVED, That each “Resolved” clause should stand alone to address a separate action to be taken or solution proposed.
Process After Resolutions are Written
• WAFP's Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the Congress of Delegates will review each submitted resolution, edit it if necessary, and make a recommendation to the WAFP Board of Directors
• WAFP's Board of Directors will review the Delegates and Alternate Delegates recommendation and make the final determination as to whether our chapter will submit the resolution or not
• WAFP will follow up with the author of the resolution as to whether we will submit the resolution
Example #1
Title: Ensuring All Americans Access to Comprehensive, Coordinated, Quality Health Care provided by a Family Physician Led Team
• Whereas Obamacare was passed in 2010 and the rollout in October 2013 was executed with surmountable complications
• Whereas approximately 8.5 million persons including 1/3 young adults were registered thru health exchanges in the first 4 months, Now therefore be it,
• Resolved that AAFP & other health care organizations will continue to work on health system change and refinements to Obamacare vs. repeal.
Example #2
Title: Conquering a Public Health Challenge
• Whereas HCV is a challenge facing the United States, and
• Whereas HCV is the most common chronic bloodborne infection, and
• Whereas, there are approximately 180 million carriers worldwide, Now therefore be it
• Resolved that AAFP provide CME for the membership, and be it further
• Resolved to promote testing
Example #3
Title: Mission and Objectives of the AAFP
• Whereas the mission of the AAFP is to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health, and
• Whereas the membership of AAFP is more than 129,000 and
• Whereas satisfaction in practice is a concern of the AAFP leadership, Now therefore be it
• Resolved that AAFP President Mike Munger send a letter of thanks to the general membership for their service, and be it further
• Resolved that he declare “Encore” to be the AAFP theme song.